Couples Therapy

Are you and your partner facing the challenges of addiction together? Navigating addiction within a relationship can feel overwhelming, but you’re not alone. 

Couples therapy for addiction offers a path to healing and recovery, both individually and as a couple. 

At Hope’s Destiny, we understand the complexities of addiction and the impact it can have on relationships. Learn more about how couples therapy can support you on your journey to a healthier, happier life together.

About Couples Therapy for Addiction 

Marriage counseling or couples therapy for addiction is a specialized form of family therapy. It is designed to address substance use disorders (SUDs) within the context of a marriage or romantic partner.

This approach recognizes the interconnected nature of addiction and intimate partnerships. It aims to support both people in the relationship as they navigate the challenges of addiction recovery together. 

Under this approach, couples work with a licensed therapist to explore how addiction has impacted their relationship dynamics, communication patterns, and overall well-being. 

The therapy sessions provide a safe and supportive space for couples to address underlying issues, rebuild trust, and develop healthier coping mechanisms. 

With this substance abuse treatment, partners can strengthen their bond, enhance their communication skills, and create a supportive environment conducive to long-term recovery.

Key Facts on Group Addiction Therapy

  • Purpose: To address the impact of addiction on the relationship and support both partners in the recovery process.
  • Types of therapy: Behavioral Couples Therapy (BCT), Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), and Integrative Behavioral Couples Therapy (IBCT).
  • Primary techniques: Communication skills training, conflict resolution, boundary setting, and addressing underlying relationship issues.
  • Benefits: Improve communication, rebuild trust, strengthen relationship bonds, enhance coping skills, and promote mutual support in the recovery journey.
  • Effectiveness: Reducing substance use, improving relationship functioning, and supporting long-term recovery outcomes.

How Does Couples Therapy Work in Addiction Treatment?

Couples therapy for drug and alcohol use treatment operates on the principle that drug addiction affects not only the individual but also their partner and the dynamics of their relationship. 

Here’s how it works:

  • Assessment: Therapy begins with an assessment of the couple’s relationship dynamics, communication patterns, and the impact of addiction on their lives. 
  • Education: Couples are educated about drug abuse, its effects on relationships, and how their behaviors may contribute to enabling or exacerbating the addiction.
  • Communication skills: Couples counseling focuses on improving communication skills, teaching couples how to express their needs, concerns, and emotions constructively. 
  • Setting boundaries: Couples learn to establish healthy boundaries to protect themselves and their relationship from the negative consequences of substance abuse, like setting limits on drug use.
  • Addressing underlying issues: Therapy explores the underlying issues contributing to addictive behavior and relationship challenges, such as unresolved trauma, past experiences, and emotional triggers.
  • Supporting recovery: Couples therapy provides support for both partners throughout the recovery process, such as attending support groups together.

What Issues Are Addressed in Couples Therapy Sessions?

A family therapist can help you and your loved one address various issues to facilitate healing and promote healthier relationship dynamics. 

Some of the key issues tackled include:

  • Communication problems that can exacerbate conflicts and hinder emotional connection
  • Trust issues within a relationship due to broken promises, deceit, and betrayal
  • Codependency, such as enabling or rescuing the addicted partner, which can perpetuate the cycle of addiction and cause relationship dysfunction
  • Resentment, anger, and frustration within the relationship
  • Emotional distance between partners, leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection. 
  • Active addiction, cravings, and relapse
  • Underlying issues, like unresolved trauma, mental health issues, or relationship conflicts

Types of Couples Therapy for Addiction

Evidence-based mental and behavioral health strategies are used to help you and/or your partner recover from addiction. These treatments can include:

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

EFT focuses on restructuring emotional responses and attachment patterns within the relationship. It helps couples identify and address underlying emotions driving addictive behaviors, such as fear, shame, or insecurity. 

By fostering secure emotional bonds and promoting empathy and understanding between partners, EFT aims to strengthen the relationship and create a supportive environment for recovery.

Psychodynamic Couples Therapy

Psychodynamic therapy explores unconscious dynamics and early childhood experiences that may contribute to addiction and relational difficulties. It helps couples gain insight into their patterns of behavior, communication styles, and unresolved conflicts. 

By exploring the root causes of addiction and addressing relational dynamics, psychodynamic therapy aims to promote healing and facilitate lasting change.

Behavioral Couples Therapy (BCT)

BCT focuses on modifying behaviors that contribute to addiction and relationship distress. It emphasizes behavioral techniques such as communication skills training, problem-solving strategies, and reinforcement of positive behaviors. 

BCT also addresses factors that may trigger substance use or relapse within the relationship, helping couples develop coping strategies and relapse prevention plans.

Cognitive Behavioral Couples Therapy (CBCT)

CBCT integrates cognitive and behavioral techniques to address maladaptive thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors related to addiction and relationship issues. 

It helps couples identify and challenge negative thought patterns, develop healthier coping skills, and improve communication and problem-solving abilities. 

It also emphasizes the importance of setting achievable goals and fostering mutual support and understanding within the relationship.

PACT Therapy

PACT focuses on the psychobiological processes underlying attachment and bonding within relationships. It helps couples regulate emotions, navigate conflicts, and cultivate secure attachment bonds. 

PACT also addresses how addiction impacts the neurobiological systems involved in bonding and attachment. This helps couples develop strategies to repair and strengthen their emotional connection.

Gottman Method

The Gottman Method emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining positive interactions, trust, and intimacy within relationships. 

It utilizes research-based interventions to assess relationship dynamics, identify areas of strength and growth, and enhance communication and conflict-resolution skills. 

The Gottman Method also helps couples develop rituals of connection, manage conflict constructively, and foster mutual respect and admiration.

Imago Relationship Therapy

Imago Therapy explores childhood wounds and past relational experiences that may contribute to addiction and relationship difficulties. 

It helps couples understand and empathize with each other’s emotional wounds, communicate effectively, and heal past hurts. 

Imago Therapy also promotes conscious dialogue, validation, and reconnection within the relationship.

Discernment Therapy

Discernment Therapy is designed for couples considering whether to stay together, separate, or pursue couples therapy. It helps couples explore their individual needs, concerns, and motivations for seeking treatment. 

Discernment Therapy provides a structured process for couples to evaluate their relationship, clarify their goals, and make informed decisions about the future of their partnership.

Couples Therapy Treatment Techniques

In couples therapy for addiction, therapists employ various treatment techniques to address underlying issues, improve communication, and promote healing within the relationship. 

Here are some common techniques used:

  • Communication skills training to learn communication strategies to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs openly and honestly. Therapists teach active listening, assertiveness, and conflict resolution skills to facilitate productive dialogue and reduce misunderstandings.
  • Role-playing exercises to practice new communication techniques and problem-solving strategies. Role-playing allows partners to experiment with different ways of interacting and responding to challenging situations in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Behavioral modification to reinforce positive behaviors and discourage harmful ones. Couples may set goals together, establish rewards for achieving milestones, and implement consequences for relapse or negative behaviors.
  • Homework assignments to help couples apply therapeutic concepts and skills outside of the therapy session. Assignments may include practicing communication exercises, implementing conflict resolution strategies, or engaging in joint activities to strengthen the bond between partners.
  • Mindfulness and relaxation techniques to help reduce stress, manage cravings, and enhance emotional regulation. Techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery promote relaxation and foster present-moment awareness.
  • Emotion regulation to identify and regulate their emotions in healthy ways. Therapists help partners develop coping strategies to manage intense emotions, such as anger, anxiety, or sadness, without resorting to substance use or destructive behaviors.
  • Cognitive restructuring that challenges negative thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to addictive behaviors and relationship conflicts. Therapists help partners reframe distorted thinking, challenge irrational beliefs, and develop more adaptive ways of interpreting their experiences.
  • Conflict resolution strategies to learn how to resolve conflicts and disagreements constructively. Therapists teach couples how to identify underlying issues, communicate their needs assertively, and negotiate mutually satisfying solutions to conflicts.
  • Intimacy-building exercises to deepen emotional connection and foster trust and intimacy. Exercises may include non-sexual touch, verbal affirmations, and activities that promote shared experiences and bonding.

Couples Therapy vs Individual Therapy

Both couples therapy and individual counseling play important roles in drug and alcohol abuse treatment, offering complementary benefits to couples seeking recovery.

Here’s how they differ and why engaging in both can be beneficial:

Couples Therapy

  • Focuses on the dynamics of the relationship and how addiction impacts the couple as a unit.
  • Addresses communication breakdowns, conflicts, and patterns of behavior that contribute to addiction and relational distress.
  • Promotes healing, trust-building, and mutual support between partners.
  • Helps couples develop shared goals, coping strategies, and relapse prevention plans.
  • Strengthens the bond between partners and fosters a supportive environment for recovery.

Individual Therapy

  • Focuses on the individual’s personal struggles, underlying issues, and psychological well-being.
  • Addresses past trauma, emotional triggers, and co-occurring mental health disorders that contribute to addiction.
  • Provides a safe space for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment.
  • Helps individuals develop self-awareness, coping skills, and resilience to overcome challenges and maintain sobriety.
  • Encourages personal growth, self-help, self-discovery, and empowerment on the path to recovery.

By participating in couples therapy and individual therapy simultaneously, couples can benefit from a holistic approach to addiction treatment, addressing both the relational and personal dimensions of recovery. 

This comprehensive approach fosters mutual understanding, promotes emotional healing, and empowers couples to overcome addiction and build a healthier, more fulfilling life together.

Benefits of Couples Therapy During Addiction Recovery 

Undergoing couples therapy during addiction recovery offers numerous benefits. These include:

  • Better communication
  • Rebuilding trust and intimacy 
  • Shared accountability
  • Strengthened relationships
  • Conflict resolution
  • Recovery planning and relapse prevention
  • Improved coping skills for stress and triggers
  • Improving family dynamics

Are There Any Drawbacks to Couples Therapy?

While couples therapy can be highly beneficial, it’s essential to acknowledge potential drawbacks. 

These can include:

  • Uneven commitment: If one partner is less committed to the therapy process, it can hinder progress and lead to frustration.
  • Intimate partner violence: In cases of domestic violence, couples therapy may escalate conflicts or compromise safety. It’s important to prioritize safety and individual therapy in these dynamics.
  • Unresolved, underlying issues: Therapy may uncover deep-seated issues within the relationship or person that require individual therapy or additional support.
  • Enabling behavior: In some cases, couples may inadvertently enable each other’s addictive behaviors, hindering progress in recovery.
  • Relationship strain: Addressing sensitive topics in therapy may temporarily strain the relationship before improvements are seen.
  • Lack of progress: If couples are unwilling to engage fully or confront difficult truths, therapy may stagnate, leading to frustration and disillusionment.
  • Financial and time commitment: Couples therapy requires a financial and time  commitment, which may be challenging for some couples to sustain.

Despite these potential drawbacks, couples therapy can still be highly effective when approached with open communication, commitment to change, and a willingness to address challenges together.

Cost of Couples Therapy

In Pennsylvania, couples therapy costs can vary widely depending on factors such as location, therapist experience, and session duration. On average, couples therapy sessions can range from $100 to $250 per session.

Some health insurance plans may cover couples therapy, depending on the provider and your plan. Some plans may cover a portion of the cost, while others may not cover couples therapy at all. Check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage options.

If you or your partner do not have insurance or are facing financial constraints, financial assistance options may be available. 

Some therapy centers, like Hope’s Destiny, offer sliding scale fees or financial assistance programs to help make therapy more affordable for couples in need.

Hope’s Destiny is committed to helping couples afford the care they need. Our team works with clients to explore all available options and find a solution that fits their financial situation while prioritizing their mental health and relationship well-being.

Find Supportive Couples Therapy for Addiction in Pennsylvania

Experience transformative couples therapy for addiction at Hope Destiny in Pennsylvania. 

Our compassionate and experienced therapists specialize in helping couples navigate the challenges of addiction together, fostering healing and growth in relationships. 

With personalized treatment plans and a supportive environment, we are here to help you and your partner on the path to recovery. 

Contact us today to learn more and take the first step toward a healthier, happier relationship.
