Pride Month, LGBTQ Youth, and Addiction Treatment & Prevention

An LGBTQ+ Pride flag with a blue sky to celebrate Pride Month 2024.

Pride Month, also called LGBT Pride Month, celebrates members of the LGBTQ community. It also works to raise awareness of the many issues and barriers still faced by people who are lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, or queer. For many LGBTQ people, they begin facing these issues in adolescence. Bullying, prejudice, pay gaps, discrimination, violence, and … Read more

8 Ways to Support Mental Health Awareness Month

A poster for Mental Health Awareness Month featuring a green ribbon symbol

Mental Health Awareness Month emphasizes the importance of mental health and well-being.  This month is a reminder to advocate for mental health awareness, understanding, and treatment to inspire positive change for yourself, your loved ones, and your community. Read on to learn more about Mental Health Awareness Month and how each action you take — … Read more

How Do Residential and Outpatient Rehab Programs Compare?

African American male researching rehab programs, sitting at a desk with a computer and books.

If you or a loved one has an addiction, you may be searching for the right treatment program for your needs. For many Americans searching for recovery care, deciding between residential and outpatient rehab can be overwhelming, especially when you don’t know how to compare the two. Read through this comprehensive guide to discover the … Read more